Screen is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to run multiple terminal sessions within a single window. This cheat sheet provides an extensive list of commands and shortcuts for using Screen.
Starting and Exiting Screen
Start a new screen session
screen -S session_name
Start a new screen session with a specific name
screen -r
Reattach to a detached screen session
screen -r session_name
Reattach to a specific detached screen session
screen -ls
List all screen sessions
Exit the current screen session
Ctrl + AD
Detach from the current screen session
Creating and Managing Windows
Ctrl + AC
Create a new window
Ctrl + AN
Switch to the next window
Ctrl + AP
Switch to the previous window
Ctrl + A0-9
Switch to a specific window
Ctrl + A""
List all windows
Ctrl + AW
Show a list of all windows
Ctrl + AK
Kill the current window
Ctrl + A&
Kill the current window and terminate the screen session