Windows Command Prompt Cheat Sheet

Windows Command Prompt, also known as CMD or Command Prompt, is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with their computer’s operating system through typed commands. It has been a part of the Windows operating system since its inception and is still widely used today.

The Command Prompt can be accessed by typing “”cmd”” into the Windows search bar or by pressing the Windows key + R and typing “”cmd”” into the Run dialog box. Once opened, users can type commands and execute them by pressing the Enter key.

This cheat sheet provides an extensive list of Windows Command Prompt commands and their descriptions. Enjoy!

Navigation Commands

cdChanges the current directory.
dirLists the contents of the current directory.
mdCreates a new directory.
rdRemoves a directory.
treeDisplays the directory tree of the current directory.
pushdSaves the current directory and changes it to a new directory.
popdRestores the previous directory saved by pushd.
chdirChanges the current directory.

File Management Commands

copyCopies one or more files from one location to another.
xcopyCopies files and directories, including subdirectories.
moveMoves one or more files from one location to another.
delDeletes one or more files.
renRenames a file or directory.
typeDisplays the contents of a text file.
moreDisplays the contents of a text file one screen at a time.
findSearches for a specific string in a file.
findstrSearches for a specific string in a file or files.
fcCompares two files or sets of files and displays the differences.

System Information Commands

systeminfoDisplays detailed configuration information about a computer and its operating system.
hostnameDisplays the name of the current host.
ipconfigDisplays the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for all network adapters.
netstatDisplays active TCP connections, ports on which the computer is listening, Ethernet statistics, and IP routing table.
tasklistDisplays a list of currently running processes on a computer.
taskkillTerminates one or more running processes.
pingSends an ICMP echo request to a specified computer and displays the response.

Network Commands

net useConnects to or disconnects from a shared resource on a network.
net viewDisplays a list of resources being shared on a computer.
net shareCreates, deletes, or displays shared resources.
net userAdds, modifies, or deletes user accounts on a computer.
net groupAdds, modifies, or deletes global groups on a computer.
net localgroupAdds, modifies, or deletes local groups on a computer.

Miscellaneous Commands

echoDisplays messages, or turns command echoing on or off.
setDisplays, sets, or removes environment variables.
titleSets the title for the command prompt window.
colorSets the background and foreground colors for the command prompt window.
modeConfigures system devices, such as COM and LPT ports.
shutdownShuts down or restarts a computer.
helpProvides help information for Windows commands.


This cheat sheet provides an extensive list of Windows Command Prompt commands and their descriptions. It is not an exhaustive list, but it covers the most commonly used commands. For more information, refer to the official Microsoft documentation.
