vim Cheat Sheet

In Prompts, vim

Vim is a highly configurable text editor that can be used to efficiently edit plain text files, code, and markup. It was originally created as an extended version of the vi editor and has become popular due to its powerful editing features, including the ability to manipulate large amounts of text quickly and easily.

The Vim cheat sheet presented below provides an extensive list of commands that can be used to navigate and edit text in Vim. The commands are organized in a table format, making it easy to find the one you need. Some of the most common commands include saving files, searching for text, copying and pasting text, and undoing changes.

It’s important to note that Vim has a steep learning curve and can be difficult to use for beginners. However, with practice and patience, Vim can become a very efficient and powerful tool for editing text. The cheat sheet presented above is a great resource for anyone looking to learn Vim, and it’s a good idea to keep it handy until the commands become second nature.

In conclusion, Vim is a powerful text editor that can be used to efficiently edit text files. While it may take some time to learn, the Vim cheat sheet provided above can help make the process easier. With practice and patience, Vim can become an essential tool in any developer or writer’s arsenal.

Cheat Sheet

:wSave current file
:wqSave and quit
:q!Quit without saving
:eOpen a file for editing
:sp filenameSplit the screen horizontally and open the specified file
:vsp filenameSplit the screen vertically and open the specified file
:set numberShow line numbers
:set nonumberHide line numbers
:set hlsearchHighlight search results
:set nohlsearchDisable search highlighting
/patternSearch for a pattern
nJump to the next search result
NJump to the previous search result
:s/old/new/gReplace “old” with “new” globally
:s/old/new/Replace “old” with “new” in current line
:1,$s/old/new/gReplace “old” with “new” in the whole file
ddDelete current line
yyCopy current line
pPaste copied or cut text
:w fileSave as “file”
:r fileInsert the contents of “file”
:set tabstop=4Set tab width to 4 spaces
:set shiftwidth=4Set the number of spaces for indentation
:set expandtabUse spaces instead of tabs
:set nowrapDisable line wrapping
:set wrapEnable line wrapping
:set mouse=aEnable mouse support
Ctrl-w + hMove to the left split
Ctrl-w + lMove to the right split
Ctrl-w + jMove to the bottom split
Ctrl-w + kMove to the top split
Ctrl-w + rRotate the splits
Ctrl-w + xSwap the splits
Ctrl-w + =Make all splits equal
Ctrl-gShow current file name and cursor position
ggMove to the first line of the file
GMove to the last line of the file
:set pasteDisable auto-indentation and other features
:set nopasteEnable auto-indentation and other features
:set spellEnable spell checking
:set nospellDisable spell checking
z.Center the screen on the cursor
Ctrl-oGo to the previous cursor position
Ctrl-iGo to the next cursor position
:nohRemove search highlighting
:lsList all open buffers
:b bufferSwitch to a different buffer
:bpGo to the previous buffer
:bnGo to the next buffer
:bdClose the current buffer
:bd!Close the current buffer without
