Vue.js Cheat Sheet

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that is used for building user interfaces. It is an open-source framework that is gaining popularity among developers due to its simplicity and flexibility. Vue.js is designed to be easy to understand and use, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced developers.

Vue.js is a reactive framework, which means that it updates the user interface automatically when the data changes. This makes it easy to build dynamic and interactive web applications. Vue.js also provides a set of tools and libraries that make it easy to build complex applications.

This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for Vue.js syntax and features. For more detailed information, please refer to the official Vue.js documentation.

Table of Contents

Vue Instance

new Vue({ options })Creates a new Vue instance
elSpecifies the element to mount the Vue instance on
dataSpecifies the data object for the Vue instance
methodsSpecifies the methods for the Vue instance
computedSpecifies the computed properties for the Vue instance
watchSpecifies the watchers for the Vue instance
createdLifecycle hook that is called when the Vue instance is created
mountedLifecycle hook that is called when the Vue instance is mounted on the DOM
updatedLifecycle hook that is called when the Vue instance is updated
destroyedLifecycle hook that is called when the Vue instance is destroyed

Template Syntax

{{ expression }}Interpolates a JavaScript expression
v-bind:attribute=""value"" or :attribute=""value""Binds an attribute to a value
v-on:event=""handler"" or @event=""handler""Attaches an event listener to an element
v-if=""condition""Renders an element if the condition is true
v-else-if=""condition""Renders an element if the previous condition is false and this condition is true
v-elseRenders an element if all previous conditions are false
v-for=""item in items""Renders an element for each item in an array
v-show=""condition""Toggles the visibility of an element based on a condition
v-text=""text""Sets the text content of an element
v-html=""html""Sets the HTML content of an element


v-bind:attribute=""value"" or :attribute=""value""Binds an attribute to a value
v-on:event=""handler"" or @event=""handler""Attaches an event listener to an element
v-if=""condition""Renders an element if the condition is true
v-else-if=""condition""Renders an element if the previous condition is false and this condition is true
v-elseRenders an element if all previous conditions are false
v-for=""item in items""Renders an element for each item in an array
v-show=""condition""Toggles the visibility of an element based on a condition
v-text=""text""Sets the text content of an element
v-html=""html""Sets the HTML content of an element

Computed Properties

computed: { propertyName() { return expression } }Defines a computed property
this.propertyNameAccesses a computed property


watch: { propertyName(newValue, oldValue) { /* handler */ } }Defines a watcher
this.$watch('propertyName', (newValue, oldValue) => { /* handler */ })Defines a watcher

Lifecycle Hooks

created() { /* handler */ }Called when the Vue instance is created
mounted() { /* handler */ }Called when the Vue instance is mounted on the DOM
updated() { /* handler */ }Called when the Vue instance is updated
destroyed() { /* handler */ }Called when the Vue instance is destroyed


Vue.component('componentName', { options })Defines a global component
new Vue({ components: { componentName: { options } } })Defines a local component
<componentName></componentName>Renders a component


@event=""handler"" or v-on:event=""handler""Attaches an event listener to an element
this.$emit('event', data)Emits an event from a component


v-model=""property""Binds a form input to a property
@submit.prevent=""handler""Attaches a submit event listener to a form
@input=""handler""Attaches an input event listener to a form input


Vue.filter('filterName', (value) => { /* handler */ })Defines a global filter
{{ value | filterName }}Applies a filter to a value


Vue.mixin({ options })Defines a global mixin
mixins: [mixin1, mixin2]Defines local mixins


Vue.use(plugin)Installs a plugin
Vue.prototype.$pluginMethod = (/* args */) => { /* handler */ }Defines a plugin method


Vue.js Documentation