Flutter Cheat Sheet

In Flutter

Flutter is a popular open-source mobile application development framework that allows developers to create high-performance, visually appealing, and feature-rich mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms. However, mastering Flutter can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. That’s where Flutter cheat sheets come in handy.

A Flutter cheat sheet is a quick reference guide that provides developers with a comprehensive list of Flutter widgets, properties, and methods. It helps developers to quickly find the syntax and usage of a particular widget or method without having to go through the entire Flutter documentation.

Flutter cheat sheets are available in various formats, including PDFs, images, and online resources. They are designed to be easy to read and understand, with clear examples and explanations. Some cheat sheets also include tips and tricks to help developers improve their Flutter coding skills.

Using a Flutter cheat sheet can save developers a lot of time and effort, especially when working on complex projects. It can also help them to avoid common mistakes and improve the overall quality of their code.

In conclusion, if you’re a Flutter developer looking to improve your coding skills, a Flutter cheat sheet is an essential tool to have in your arsenal. It can help you to quickly find the syntax and usage of a particular widget or method, save time and effort, and improve the overall quality of your code.

This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for Flutter developers. It is divided into different sections based on the topics.

Table of Contents


TextA widget that displays a string of text.
ImageA widget that displays an image.
IconA widget that displays an icon.
ContainerA widget that provides padding, margin, and decoration.
RowA widget that displays its children in a horizontal row.
ColumnA widget that displays its children in a vertical column.
StackA widget that overlays its children.
ExpandedA widget that expands to fill the available space.
SizedBoxA widget that provides a fixed size.
ListViewA widget that displays a scrollable list of items.
GridViewA widget that displays a grid of items.
CardA widget that provides a material design card.
TextFieldA widget that provides a text input field.
FlatButtonA widget that provides a flat button.
RaisedButtonA widget that provides a raised button.
IconButtonA widget that provides an icon button.
CheckboxA widget that provides a checkbox.
RadioA widget that provides a radio button.
SwitchA widget that provides a switch.
SliderA widget that provides a slider.
DatePickerA widget that provides a date picker.
TimePickerA widget that provides a time picker.


ContainerA widget that provides padding, margin, and decoration.
RowA widget that displays its children in a horizontal row.
ColumnA widget that displays its children in a vertical column.
StackA widget that overlays its children.
ExpandedA widget that expands to fill the available space.
SizedBoxA widget that provides a fixed size.
ListViewA widget that displays a scrollable list of items.
GridViewA widget that displays a grid of items.
CardA widget that provides a material design card.
WrapA widget that displays its children in a horizontal or vertical wrap.
FlowA widget that displays its children in a flow layout.
TableA widget that displays its children in a table layout.


NavigatorA widget that manages a stack of pages.
MaterialAppA widget that provides a material design app.
ScaffoldA widget that provides a material design scaffold.
AppBarA widget that provides a material design app bar.
BottomNavigationBarA widget that provides a material design bottom navigation bar.
TabBarA widget that provides a material design tab bar.
DrawerA widget that provides a material design drawer.
PopupMenuButtonA widget that provides a material design popup menu button.


AnimatedContainerA widget that animates its properties.
AnimatedOpacityA widget that animates its opacity.
AnimatedPaddingA widget that animates its padding.
AnimatedPositionedA widget that animates its position.
AnimatedCrossFadeA widget that animates between two children.
HeroA widget that animates between two routes.
TweenAnimationBuilderA widget that animates using a tween.

State Management

StatefulWidgetA widget that has mutable state.
StateThe mutable state of a StatefulWidget.
setStateA method that updates the state of a StatefulWidget.
InheritedWidgetA widget that provides data to its descendants.
BuildContextA context object that provides information about the widget tree.
ProviderA widget that provides data to its descendants using the provider package.
BlocA pattern for managing state using the bloc package.
StreamBuilderA widget that rebuilds when a stream emits a new value.


httpA package that provides HTTP networking.
DioA package that provides HTTP networking with features like caching and retries.
WebSocketA package that provides WebSocket networking.
SocketA package that provides TCP socket networking.


cameraA package that provides camera functionality.
geolocatorA package that provides location functionality.
google_maps_flutterA package that provides Google Maps functionality.
firebase_authA package that provides Firebase authentication functionality.
firebase_databaseA package that provides Firebase database functionality.
firebase_storageA package that provides Firebase storage functionality.


printA method that prints a message to the console.
debugPrintA method that prints a message to the console only in debug mode.
assertA method that throws an exception if a condition is not met.
Flutter InspectorA tool that provides information about the widget tree and performance.
Flutter DevToolsA tool that provides advanced debugging and profiling features.


This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for Flutter developers. It covers a wide range of topics, including widgets, layouts, navigation, animations, state management, networking, plugins, and debugging. Use it as a reference when developing your Flutter apps.