IntelliJ Cheat Sheet

IntelliJ IDEA is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) used by developers worldwide. It is a powerful tool that helps developers write, debug, and test code efficiently. IntelliJ IDEA is developed by JetBrains, a company that specializes in creating software development tools.

IntelliJ IDEA supports a wide range of programming languages, including Java, Kotlin, Groovy, Scala, and more. It offers a variety of features that make coding easier and faster, such as code completion, code analysis, and refactoring tools. The IDE also includes a built-in debugger, which allows developers to debug their code in real-time.

This cheat sheet provides a comprehensive list of shortcuts and tips for IntelliJ IDEA.


Ctrl + NSearch for a class
Ctrl + Shift + NSearch for a file
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + NSearch for a symbol
Ctrl + EView recent files
Ctrl + Shift + EView recent edited files
Ctrl + BGo to declaration
Ctrl + Alt + BGo to implementation
Ctrl + Shift + IView method implementation
Ctrl + UGo to super method or class
Ctrl + Shift + TSearch for a test
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + TRun a test
Ctrl + Shift + F12Toggle full screen mode
Ctrl + Shift + ASearch for an action
Ctrl + Shift + FFind in path
Ctrl + Shift + RReplace in path
Ctrl + GGo to line
Ctrl + Alt + Left/RightNavigate back/forward
Ctrl + Shift + BackspaceNavigate to last edit location
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/RightNavigate to previous/next method
Ctrl + Alt + Up/DownMove line up/down
Ctrl + Shift + Up/DownMove statement up/down


Ctrl + SpaceCode completion
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceSmart code completion
Ctrl + Shift + EnterComplete statement
Ctrl + PShow method parameters
Ctrl + QShow documentation
Ctrl + WSelect word at caret
Ctrl + Shift + WUnselect word at caret
Ctrl + Alt + TSurround with
Ctrl + /Comment/uncomment line or selection
Ctrl + Shift + /Comment/uncomment block
Ctrl + DDuplicate line or selection
Ctrl + YDelete line
Ctrl + Shift + JJoin lines
Ctrl + Shift + UToggle case
Ctrl + Shift + ]/[Select till code block end/start
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + TRefactor this
Ctrl + Alt + LReformat code
Ctrl + Alt + OOptimize imports
Ctrl + Alt + IAuto-indent lines
Ctrl + Alt + MExtract method
Ctrl + Alt + VExtract variable
Ctrl + Alt + FExtract field
Ctrl + Alt + CExtract constant
Ctrl + Alt + PExtract parameter
Ctrl + Alt + NInline
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + NInline all
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Up/DownMove statement up/down
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Up/DownCopy lines up/down


Ctrl + Shift + F9Debug
Ctrl + Shift + F10Run
F8Step over
F7Step into
Shift + F7Smart step into
Shift + F8Step out
Alt + F9Run to cursor
Alt + F8Evaluate expression
Ctrl + Alt + F8Quick evaluate expression
Ctrl + Shift + F8Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl + F8View breakpoints
Ctrl + Shift + F7Highlight expression
F9Resume program
Ctrl + F2Stop program


Ctrl + Alt + Shift + TRefactor this
Ctrl + Alt + LReformat code
Ctrl + Alt + OOptimize imports
Ctrl + Alt + IAuto-indent lines
Ctrl + Alt + MExtract method
Ctrl + Alt + VExtract variable
Ctrl + Alt + FExtract field
Ctrl + Alt + CExtract constant
Ctrl + Alt + PExtract parameter
Ctrl + Alt + NInline
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + NInline all
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Up/DownMove statement up/down

Version Control

Ctrl + KCommit changes
Ctrl + TUpdate project
Ctrl + Alt + ZRevert changes
Ctrl + Shift + KPush changes
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + VVCS quick popup
Ctrl + Alt + CView changes
Ctrl + Alt + DView diff
Ctrl + Alt + HView history
Ctrl + Alt + BView branch
Ctrl + Alt + TView tags
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SSettings
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + AVersion control quick popup


Ctrl + Shift + F6Change signature
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F7Find usages
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F8Show usages
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + SProject structure
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SSettings
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + FRun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + XRun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + CRun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + VRun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + DRun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ERun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + RRun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + TRun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + GRun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + QRun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + WRun anything
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ZRun anything


IntelliJ IDEA Default Keymap