Shopify Cheat Sheet

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create and manage their online stores. The platform offers a wide range of features and tools that make it easy for businesses of all sizes to sell their products online.

One of the key benefits of using Shopify is that it provides businesses with a fully-hosted, cloud-based solution. This means that businesses don’t have to worry about managing servers or technical infrastructure, as everything is taken care of by Shopify.

Another major advantage of Shopify is its ease of use. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces that make it easy for even non-technical users to set up and manage their stores. Additionally, Shopify offers a wide range of customizable themes and templates, as well as a drag-and-drop website builder, making it easy to create a store that fits your brand.

One of the standout features of Shopify is its app store, which offers a vast range of plugins and integrations that can be used to enhance and extend the functionality of your store. This includes tools for marketing, SEO, shipping, payment processing, and much more.


Shopify Setup and Store Management:

Sign up for ShopifyGo to and click “Start free trial.” Follow the prompts to set up your account.
Set up your storeCustomize your store’s theme, add products, set up payment and shipping options, and configure your store’s settings.
Add productsClick “Products” in the Shopify dashboard, then click “Add product.” Enter the product’s name, description, price, and any other relevant information.
Set up payment optionsGo to “Settings” > “Payment providers” and select your payment method.
Set up shipping optionsGo to “Settings” > “Shipping and delivery” and select your shipping options.
Customize your store’s themeGo to “Online store” > “Themes” and select your theme. Click “Customize” to edit your theme.
Manage your store’s ordersGo to “Orders” in the Shopify dashboard to view and manage your store’s orders.
Install appsGo to “Apps” in the Shopify dashboard to browse and install apps that add additional functionality to your store.

Shopify Marketing and Sales:

Create a marketing planDetermine your target audience, create a budget, and decide which marketing channels to use (e.g. social media, email, advertising).
Use social mediaCreate social media accounts for your store and share your products with your followers. Consider using social media ads to reach a wider audience.
Email marketingUse an email marketing tool like Mailchimp to send newsletters and promotional emails to your subscribers.
AdvertisingUse platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads to promote your store to a wider audience.
Offer discounts and promotionsCreate discount codes or bundle deals to incentivize customers to make a purchase.
Use abandoned cart recoveryEnable abandoned cart recovery in Shopify to send automated emails to customers who leave items in their cart without completing their purchase.

Shopify Analytics and Reports:

Monitor your store’s analyticsGo to “Analytics” in the Shopify dashboard to view your store’s analytics, including sales data, traffic sources, and customer behavior.
Set up Google AnalyticsGo to “Online store” > “Preferences” and enter your Google Analytics tracking ID.
Create custom reportsUse Shopify’s report builder to create custom reports that show specific data, such as product sales or customer behavior.
Use apps for analyticsInstall analytics apps like Google Analytics by Littledata or ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell to gain deeper insights into your store’s performance.

Shopify Customer Support and Service:

Set up customer support channelsSet up a customer support email address, phone number, and chatbot to provide support to your customers.
Respond to customer inquiriesRespond to customer inquiries promptly and professionally, providing helpful and informative responses.
Offer refunds and returnsHave a clear refund and return policy and process, and handle refunds and returns promptly and efficiently.
Use customer feedback to improve your storeCollect customer feedback through surveys and reviews, and use it to improve your store’s products and customer service.
Use apps for customer serviceInstall customer service apps like Gorgias or Reamaze to manage customer support more efficiently.

Cheat Sheet


{% comment %} … {% endcomment %}Comment out code
{% raw %} … {% endraw %}Output raw code
{% if condition %} … {% endif %}Execute code if condition is true
{% unless condition %} … {% endunless %}Execute code if condition is false
{% case condition %} … {% endcase %}Execute code based on a condition
{% cycle a, b %}Cycles through a and b
{% for item in collection %} … {% endfor %}Loops through a collection
{% tablerow item in collection %} … {% endtablerow %}Loops through a collection in table format
{% assign variable = value %}Assign a value to a variable
{% increment variable %}Increment a variable
{% decrement variable %}Decrement a variable
{% capture variable %} … {% endcapture %}Capture the output of code
{% include ‘template’ %}Include a template file


>Greater than
<Less than
>=Greater than or equal to
<=Less than or equal to
orLogical OR
andLogical AND
containsCheck if a value is in a collection


masterlargest image (2048x)


Two types of liquid tagsOutput and tag
page_descriptionMeta description
page_titleMeta title
if variable is blank/empty/null{% if variable == blank %}
Search only products{% for product in search.results.products %}
layoutSets the template layout
current_tagsReturns an array of the current tags
What is a handle?A unique identifier for an object

Theme Settings

Text fieldText
Multiline text fieldTextarea
Select menusSelect
File UploadsFile
CSS/Specialty ClassesText
Shopify creditBoolean

Loop Helpers

forloop.lengthLength of the loop
forloop.indexCurrent index (starting at 1)
forloop.index0Current index (starting at 0)
forloop.rindexReverse index
forloop.rindex0Reverse index (starting at 0)
forloop.firstTrue if this is the first iteration
forloop.lastTrue if this is the last iteration
paginate.page_sizeNumber of items to show per page
paginate.current_pageNumber of the current page
paginate.current_offsetNumber of the current item offset
paginate.pagesTotal number of pages
paginate.itemsTotal number of items
paginate.previousPrevious page object (useful for links)
paginate.previous.titleTitle of the previous page object
paginate.previous.urlURL of the previous page object
paginate.nextNext page object (useful for links) of the next page object of the next page object
paginate.partsArray of page objects
part.is_linkBoolean indicating whether the part is a link or not
