NumPy Cheat Sheet

In Python

NumPy is a popular Python library that is used for scientific computing. It is an open-source library that provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a wide range of mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. NumPy is widely used in data science, machine learning, and scientific research.

NumPy is built on top of the Python programming language and provides a powerful set of tools for working with numerical data. It is designed to be fast and efficient, making it ideal for working with large datasets. NumPy is also highly optimized for numerical operations, making it a popular choice for scientific computing.

Cheat Sheet

numpy.array()Creates a numpy array
numpy.zeros()Creates an array of zeros
numpy.ones()Creates an array of ones
numpy.arange()Creates an array with evenly spaced values
numpy.linspace()Creates an array with evenly spaced values within a specified range
numpy.random.rand()Creates an array of random values between 0 and 1
numpy.random.randn()Creates an array of random values from a normal distribution
numpy.reshape()Reshapes an array
numpy.transpose()Transposes an array
numpy.concatenate()Concatenates two or more arrays
numpy.split()Splits an array into multiple sub-arrays
numpy.max()Returns the maximum value in an array
numpy.min()Returns the minimum value in an array
numpy.mean()Returns the mean of an array
numpy.median()Returns the median of an array
numpy.std()Returns the standard deviation of an array
numpy.var()Returns the variance of an array the dot product of two arrays
numpy.sum()Returns the sum of an array the product of an array
numpy.absolute()Returns the absolute value of an array
numpy.exp()Returns the exponential value of an array
numpy.log()Returns the natural logarithm of an array
numpy.sin()Returns the sine of an array
numpy.cos()Returns the cosine of an array
numpy.tan()Returns the tangent of an array
numpy.arcsin()Returns the inverse sine of an array
numpy.arccos()Returns the inverse cosine of an array
numpy.arctan()Returns the inverse tangent of an array

Reference: NumPy User Guide