MongoDB Cheat Sheet

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that has gained immense popularity in recent years. It is an open-source, document-oriented database that stores data in JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas. MongoDB is designed to be scalable, flexible, and easy to use, making it a popular choice for modern web applications.

One of the key features of MongoDB is its ability to handle large amounts of unstructured data. Unlike traditional relational databases, MongoDB does not require a predefined schema, which means that data can be added or removed without the need for complex migrations. This makes it ideal for applications that require frequent updates or changes to the data model.

Another advantage of MongoDB is its ability to scale horizontally. This means that as the amount of data grows, additional servers can be added to the cluster to handle the load. This makes it easy to scale applications as they grow, without the need for complex sharding or partitioning.

MongoDB also offers a powerful query language that allows developers to retrieve data in a flexible and efficient manner. The query language supports a wide range of operators and functions, making it easy to filter, sort, and aggregate data.

Overall, MongoDB is a powerful and flexible database that is well-suited for modern web applications. Its ability to handle large amounts of unstructured data, scale horizontally, and provide a powerful query language make it a popular choice for developers around the world.

Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet provides a quick reference guide for MongoDB commands and syntax.

Basic Commands

mongoStart the MongoDB shell
show dbsShow all databases
use <database>Switch to a specific database
show collectionsShow all collections in the current database
db.<collection>.find()Show all documents in a collection
db.<collection>.insertOne(<document>)Insert a new document into a collection
db.<collection>.updateOne(<filter>, <update>)Update a document in a collection
db.<collection>.deleteOne(<filter>)Delete a document from a collection

Querying Data

db.<collection>.find()Show all documents in a collection
db.<collection>.find(<filter>)Show documents that match a filter
db.<collection>.find(<filter>).pretty()Show formatted documents that match a filter
db.<collection>.findOne(<filter>)Show the first document that matches a filter
db.<collection>.count()Count the number of documents in a collection
db.<collection>.distinct(<field>)Show distinct values for a field in a collection

Filtering Data

{ <field>: <value> }Filter documents where a field equals a value
{ <field>: { $gt: <value> } }Filter documents where a field is greater than a value
{ <field>: { $lt: <value> } }Filter documents where a field is less than a value
{ <field>: { $gte: <value> } }Filter documents where a field is greater than or equal to a value
{ <field>: { $lte: <value> } }Filter documents where a field is less than or equal to a value
{ <field>: { $ne: <value> } }Filter documents where a field is not equal to a value
{ <field>: { $in: [<value1>, <value2>, ...] } }Filter documents where a field is in a list of values
{ <field>: { $nin: [<value1>, <value2>, ...] } }Filter documents where a field is not in a list of values
{ <field>: { $exists: true } }Filter documents where a field exists
{ <field>: { $exists: false } }Filter documents where a field does not exist
{ $and: [ <filter1>, <filter2>, ... ] }Filter documents that match multiple conditions
{ $or: [ <filter1>, <filter2>, ... ] }Filter documents that match at least one condition
{ $not: { <filter> } }Filter documents that do not match a condition

Updating Data

db.<collection>.updateOne(<filter>, <update>)Update a document that matches a filter
db.<collection>.updateOne(<filter>, { $set: { <field>: <value> } })Set a field to a value in a document that matches a filter
db.<collection>.updateOne(<filter>, { $unset: { <field>: """" } })Remove a field from a document that matches a filter
db.<collection>.updateOne(<filter>, { $inc: { <field>: <value> } })Increment a field by a value in a document that matches a filter
db.<collection>.updateOne(<filter>, { $push: { <field>: <value> } })Add a value to an array field in a document that matches a filter
db.<collection>.updateOne(<filter>, { $pull: { <field>: <value> } })Remove a value from an array field in a document that matches a filter

Deleting Data

db.<collection>.deleteOne(<filter>)Delete a document that matches a filter
db.<collection>.deleteMany(<filter>)Delete all documents that match a filter
db.<collection>.drop()Delete a collection

Indexing Data

db.<collection>.createIndex(<field>)Create an index on a field
db.<collection>.createIndex({ <field>: 1 })Create an ascending index on a field
db.<collection>.createIndex({ <field>: -1 })Create a descending index on a field
db.<collection>.getIndexes()Show all indexes on a collection
db.<collection>.dropIndex(<index>)Delete an index from a collection

Aggregation Framework

db.<collection>.aggregate([ <stage1>, <stage2>, ... ])Perform an aggregation pipeline on a collection
{ $match: { <filter> } }Filter documents that match a condition
{ $group: { _id: <field>, <agg1>: { $<operator>: <field> }, ... } }Group documents by a field and perform aggregation operations
{ $sort: { <field>: 1 } }Sort documents by a field in ascending order
{ $sort: { <field>: -1 } }Sort documents by a field in descending order
{ $limit: <number> }Limit the number of documents returned
{ $skip: <number> }Skip a number of documents

Miscellaneous Commands

db.<collection>.renameCollection(<newName>)Rename a collection
db.<collection>.stats()Show statistics for a collection
db.<collection>.explain().find(<filter>)Show the query plan for a find operation
db.<collection>.watch()Watch for changes to a collection
db.<collection>.aggregate([ { $changeStream: { fullDocument: ""updateLookup"" } } ])Watch for changes to a collection using the aggregation framework


This cheat sheet provides a quick reference guide for MongoDB commands and syntax. Use it as a starting point for your MongoDB development and administration tasks.
