Jupyter Notebook is a popular tool used by data scientists and researchers to create and share interactive notebooks. One of the key features of Jupyter Notebook is the ability to use Markdown, a lightweight markup language, to format text and create rich, interactive content.
Markdown is a simple and intuitive way to format text, add headings, lists, links, images, and more. It is a plain text format that can be easily converted to HTML, PDF, or other formats. Markdown is widely used in documentation, blogs, and other online content.
Jupyter Markdown extends the basic Markdown syntax with additional features that are specific to Jupyter Notebook. For example, you can use Markdown to create interactive widgets, embed code snippets, and display data visualizations.
To use Markdown in Jupyter Notebook, simply create a new cell and select “Markdown” from the dropdown menu. You can then start typing your Markdown content, using the syntax to format your text as desired.
Here are some examples of Markdown syntax:
– Headings: Use “#” to create headings of different levels, e.g. “# Heading 1”, “## Heading 2”, etc.
– Lists: Use “-” or “*” to create unordered lists, and “1.”, “2.”, etc. to create ordered lists.
– Links: Use “[link text](URL)” to create a hyperlink.
– Images: Use “” to insert an image.
– Code snippets: Use ““`” to create a code block, and specify the language for syntax highlighting, e.g. ““`python”.
Jupyter Markdown also supports LaTeX syntax for mathematical equations and symbols, making it a powerful tool for scientific and technical writing.
In conclusion, Jupyter Markdown is a versatile and easy-to-use tool for creating rich, interactive content in Jupyter Notebook. Whether you’re a data scientist, researcher, or blogger, Markdown can help you create professional-looking content with minimal effort.
Cheat Sheet
Jupyter Markdown Cheat Sheet | Description |
# | Heading 1 |
## | Heading 2 |
### | Heading 3 |
#### | Heading 4 |
##### | Heading 5 |
###### | Heading 6 |
*italic* | Italic text |
**bold** | Bold text |
***bold and italic*** | Bold and italic text |
~~strikethrough~~ | Strikethrough text |
`inline code` | Inline code |
“`code block“` | Code block |
> quote | Blockquote |
– unordered list item | Unordered list |
1. ordered list item | Ordered list |
[link text](url) | Link |
 | Image |
— | Horizontal rule |
Table | |
Jupyter Markdown Cheat Sheet – Advanced | Description |
$inline\ math$ | Inline math |
$$display\ math$$ | Display math |
$e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$ | Example of inline math |
$$\sum_{i=1}^{n} i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$$ | Example of display math |
<center>Centered text</center> | Centered text |
<div style=”text-align: right”>Right-aligned text</div> | Right-aligned text |
<div style=”text-align: justify”>Justified text</div> | Justified text |
<font color=’red’>Colored text</font> | Colored text |
<sup>Superscript</sup> | Superscript |
<sub>Subscript</sub> | Subscript |
[TOC] | Table of contents |
[TOC] {:toc} | Table of contents with headings |
<details><summary>Click to expand</summary>Hidden content</details> | Collapsible content |
<details open><summary>Click to collapse</summary>Visible content</details> | Collapsible content (open by default) |
<a href=”#section1″>Link to section 1</a> | Anchor link |
<a id=”section1″></a>Section 1 | Anchor link target |